This is a fascinating novel: an extended character story where nothing happens. That’s the whole point. Maine is at a turning point in her young life: she is changing schools (from Junior to Senior High, from segregated to integrated) but she has nothing to do for the summer. Her friends and her boyfriend are all…
Tag: YA
“Halls of Fire” by Christian Cura
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
This is the second book of a serial, which picks up with a new chapter in the main character’s life and ends with a cliff-hanger and few conflicts resolved. It is one of those unfortunate stories where the author has done an incredible amount of creative world-building in setting, mythology, and society, but then feels…
“Social Vampire” by James Schannep
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
This novel is a comprehensive list of all the things you shouldn’t do as a teenager. The main character, Gordon, is placed in about the worst situation a youngster can endure: loss of a parent, new town, new school and various other problems. Unfortunately, his solution is to create a whole fictitious scenario that seems…
“Coolman and the Evil Drug Lord” by Sam Guydude
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
This doesn’t have to be a long review, because the name of the book and the name of the author tell it all. We’re talking a massive takeoff on every superhero movie, video game and graphic novel ever written for teenage guys. Nothing but fighting, sex, destruction, blood and bad language. The action is pretty…
“Born to be Naughty” by Hina Nauman
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Okay, this one’s different. A look at the Contents should tip you off. It starts with a Warning, requiring you to prove your eligibility to read the book by taking a “Love for Nature” test. It would be a spoiler, so I’m not going to tell you anything about the test except that this is…
“Offworld Empire” by Scott Billups
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
This story has all the elements of a Space Opera and a few more besides. In fact, it gives the impression that the author is not too sure who his audience is. But first the positives, especially the worldbuilding. This author has spent a great deal of creativity and effort to create a 200-years-in-the-future solar…
“The Trafficking Murders” by Brian O’Hare
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
This novel is a rather light approach to a gritty subject. The reason I use the term ‘light’ is that it tells a realistic story of a horrible situation but never goes into the grimy details. The details of the offences are balanced by the interactions of the members of the police squad, and again,…
“Lost Helix” by Scott Coon
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
This novel is pretty much a model of what YA Space Opera should be: a bit melodramatic, a bit realistic, a bit magical, and very escapist. It has a nicely complex conflict, with DJ and Paul trying to escape the repressive, corporate-focused mining colony that restricts their lives and at the same time find DJ’s…
“Picket Town” by Chris von Halle
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Picket Town is a simple story with a tight plotline. It involves the adventures of only two heroes with few peripheral characters. The setting is a small town in the woods, isolated from any other humans, immediately rousing our suspicions that Something is Going On. Amanda and Sam discover early in the story that their…
“A Precarious Beginning” by Fritz Rollins and Siena Rollins
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
This is a story that starts where it should: in the middle of the action leading up to the incident where the main character’s life is changed forever. Combine this with the wonderful character of Hyla, the heroine, and we are drawn in right away. So much that we are quite happy when the events…