Okay, don’t be fooled by the title; this is true Science Fiction. Don’t think, “Miss Congeniality.” Think “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy,” filled with thousands of alien races and myriads of inconceivable scientific and technical wonders. But, rich in technological and social setting though the story may be, it is the characters that drive the…
Tag: Hero’s Journey
“The Singing Bones” by Eric Shane Love
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
This is a classic Fantasy, based on the traditional Hero’s Journey format. The heroine, Grey, goes on a physical and metaphysical journey as she matures and struggles with the fact that her future is bound up in her past. Images of metamorphosis abound as she sheds the ties that bind her. It is a story…
“Time’s Orphan” by Hayley Reese Chow
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
This is a classical example of Epic Fiction, using the Hero’s Journey format. In keeping with modern trends, the heroine is a more personable and lovable character than was typical in the past. This sets warfare and mayhem at a less important level and puts the onus on the characterization to create our enjoyment of…