Reviews, Editing, Writing Hints

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Portraits of the Soul

And now for something different: an art show. “Facial Hair,” portraits by Dominique LaBrosse. Since the real show is only available to local people, the photographer has given permission to post some of the works here, on the understanding that they are the intellectual property of Dominique Labrosse Photography, and permission to use them in…

A Blind Eye: Adam Kaminski Mystery Series Book 1 by Jane Gorman

Here I go, creating new classifications of writing again. If anything, this book should fall into a genre called “Cozy International Mystery.” It has all of the trappings of Robert Ludlum’s Jason Bourne series, but the sex, violence and gratuitous non-stop action are  all toned down. There is more time spent on characterization, social setting and…

Capture the Cover Update

Dear Readers, Response to this contest has been useful. Too useful. My more artistic friends have persuaded me that the stylistic differences between the two portraits are too strong to work. So I have adapted the cover. Thus those who have already entered are invited to amend their entries, although I believe there is less…