The Drunken Dragon, by George Morrison

This is a fascinating novel. Billed as humour, with all the trappings of an Action Fantasy, it also manages to draw us in emotionally on a deeper level.

Let’s put this story into perspective. It has towns called Spittlesburg, Whatadump, and Bristol. (What does the author have against Bristol?) It has a Province of Malevolentia, Googlalps and a Befuddlemount Range.

The egotistical but self-deprecating hero stumbles through this ersatz fantasy setting, raising typical dragonish mayhem, rationalizing all the way…when he’s sober enough to put two thoughts together. In his wake follows a slew of fascinating characters of varying degrees along the realistic/stereotypical spectrum. The key to the conflict is that the good guys are more realistic, well-rounded and sympathetic, while the bad guys are exactly what you expect in Humorous Fantasy.

This is not laugh-a-minute comedy. It is wry, subtle humour that slides in without disturbing the more important elements to the story. Because despite the light tone, this story has a serious theme. As the tale progresses, we get quite attached to this dragon, and his progress becomes important to us as he suffers the evils of the antagonists and comes to terms with his alcoholism.

The personality flaws in our hero give plenty of scope for conflict and suspense, because no matter how powerful he is or how well-planned his ploys are, he is quite capable of screwing up the whole thing on his own. Meanwhile, those who know him and see his inner worth toddle along behind, picking up the pieces (and Draco himself, if they’re able) and setting everything up for him to smash in the next debacle.

A well-written novel with a bit of everything: humour, adventure, intrigue, suspense and even a touch of romance. It’s a bit light on emotional intensity, but that’s unavoidable, given the blasé attitude of the main character.

Highly recommended for all Fantasy fans.

Five Stars.

This review was originally posted at

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