Month: April 2020

“Source Mage” by William Stacey

“Source Mage” is a tightly written, fast paced action adventure set in a post-apocalyptic world of declining military resources and increasing magical influence. This writer knows his weapons and his modern battle terminology, and he accomplishes the difficult blend between the mundane and the supernatural and keeps the conflict realistic. It’s a tightrope walk, making…

“The Cycle of Harm” by M H Snowy

This story starts out as a typical Medieval action fantasy with stereotypical characters: magician, mute apprentice, legendary hero, berserker warriors. Plenty of magic, violence, and gore. The setting seems simplified, with no extraneous details. Nothing but warriors, victims, and battles. In fact, it all seems so simplified that Montague the Magician begins to get suspicious.…

“Fate Lashed” by Josh Erikson

I do wish otherwise good writers would stop trying so hard to be creative. Let’s take “Fate Lashed” as an example. It’s a non-standard love triangle driven by a main character with commitment issues. It’s also a classic Modern Epic Fantasy containing huge numbers of supernatural beings of varying levels of power, with the fate…