“Final Wars Begin” is the story of what would be World War IV except the battle is between the space colonies that survived humankind’s third attempt to annihilate ourselves. The main character is a former soldier who refused to follow immoral orders and became a fugitive as a result. He returns to New Paris, in…
Month: April 2019
“First Flight: Federal Space Book 1” by Zachary Jones
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
If you like hard Sci-Fi, this book is for you. It starts with a highly detailed description of a space battle — which Earth forces lose — and the action builds from there. It seems Earth and its allies are in the middle of a protracted war against former space colonies when both are attacked…
“The Hunt for the Hollywood Clone, Gavin Baller: Book 1” by Steven Heumann
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
This story has a character arc that resonates through the ages. In order for a man to truly change, he has to be torn away from his old life, stripped down to the essentials, and then given an opportunity to rebuild himself into the person he could be. Gavin Baller is such a character. His…
“Lance: A Spirit Unbroken” A memoir by Walter Stoffel
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Okay, this is a book about a dog. You know that at the end the dog’s going to die. Such is the nature of dog books. However, the difference in this case is that for most of the book you’re not sure you’re going to be that unhappy. I mean, this is one of those…
“Destructive Salvation” by Jay Deans
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
This book is a Sci-Fi Action Adventure Disaster novel. Yep, all five. It’s about the double-edged sword of scientific advancement, which can be a boon or a weapon, depending on whose hands it ends up in. The story is written is a clear, even style and the plotline of any individual chapter flows well. It’s…