An Infomercial Posing as a Self-Help Book I was given a free copy of this book so that I could write this review. Yeah, I know people usually tack that disclaimer on at the bottom. But I’m starting out with it to demonstrate that I was approached by the usual channels to do a legitimate…
Month: January 2017
“Stormy Weather” by Glen Ebisch
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Stormy Weather is the story of – wait for it – a television weather reporter whose name is Stormy. Not her fault; it seems her mother was a bit of a flake. How much the name had to do with her choice of occupation is the subject for a subplot involving Stormy’s family background and…
“Hunt of the Fallen” by R. A. Zaugg
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
“The Hunt of the Fallen” starts out as a standard Young Adult Fantasy: a bucolic scene, rather simple young people in a slightly contrived love triangle, a touch of nightmare in the background: the usual setup. However, once the hero leaves the tribe and starts his quest the plot tangles, characters have more complex motivation and the…
“The Gateway,” Master of Malice Book 3 by Cas Peace
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
“The Gateway” is the final episode in the nine-book “Artesans of Albia” saga that has taken us from the flights of High Fantasy to the depths of Horror, and the finish does not disappoint. Cas Peace has a masterful command of the expression of emotion, and in this book she runs us through the whole gamut, from…
“Child of the Night Guild:” Queen of Thieves Book 1 by Andy Peloquin.
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Andy Peloquin always manages to surprise, and not always in a nice way. In fact, his books are often very nasty. This one especially so, because it starts out at the level of a rather seamy Oliver Twist, and slowly, ever so slowly, drags us downward through a spiral of increasing violence into the pits of…