The problem with genre writing is that there are certain expectations set up because of the specific audience. If you don’t give the readers what they expect, you will be less successful. For example, in Sword and Sorcery Fantasy, the reader wants a certain level of action. External conflict is expected to be important. If…
Month: December 2014
Old Movie Review: The Maltese Falcon
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Since this week’s book review is of a short story, we have two reviews today. No, this one is not an old review of a movie. It’s a new review of an old…ah, I give up! I know this film has been out for a while, but at least there are no threats to bomb…
Two Characters in Search of a Plot: Review of “La Belle Femme” by Aine Greaney
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
There are two interesting times in a romance: the beginning and the end. It’s the beginnings that everybody likes to read about. The endings don’t have such a wide readership, not being quite so much fun. However, the human race having its morbid streak, there have been quite a few stories written about the endings…
Mysteries of Shetland: Three Novels by Anne Cleeves
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
I have been watching some Anne Cleeves adaptations on television lately: one of the Mysteries of Shetland, and several of Vera, a very similar series set in Yorkshire: both full of broad accents, barren scenery, and dour people. And I have discovered one reason why these books are so much better than any film or…
New and Improved
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
We are showing a new look this week, trying WordPress for a change, because it does a much better job of managing fonts than RVsitebuilder, the WYSIWYG software I have been using. I must say, it is far more frustrating, though, and requires a whole lot more html knowledge than I have at the moment.…