The causes of the Palestinian problem have been discussed ad nauseum, but the facts remain: Israeli government policy over the years has created a great swelling of resentment in the Palestinians. More and more rebellious governments in Gaza and the West Bank have made the situation worse, and the final straw came three months ago…
Tag: terrorism
Politics, Social Commentary
The Problem with Punjab
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
An interesting conjunction of news items this week. Several Russian dissident journalists in Europe seem to have been poisoned by Russian agents. At the same time, Prime Minister Trudeau is accusing the Indian government of assassinating Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Sikh dissident in Canada. On the surface, these seem to be similar events. An expatriate or…
Social Commentary
This is Not Terrorism; It Is Us
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Before discussing the events in Kingston this week, it is appropriate that we take a moment to show solidarity and support to the family of the victims and to the other victims of hate of all kinds. It’s all we can do at the moment. However, in the future… Of course, that’s what our Prime…
Social Commentary
The Price of Selfishness
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
What with the Presidential election splitting America down the middle, France being torn apart by terrorist acts and COVID epidemic rolling into its second wave, there’s a lot of trouble going around. And you don’t have to stretch very far to realize that all of the above stem from the same human flaw:…
Social Commentary
Domestic Terrorism in a Society of Violence
by renaissanceadmin • • 1 Comment
I had planned to pontificate on politics and global warming this week, but two mass shootings in the United States put my mind on more immediate worries. In order to understand (and eventually solve) this horrendous problem, we must realize that domestic terrorism is a social problem, is caused by the society where it occurs…
Social Commentary
Thoughts on Peru
by renaissanceadmin • • 1 Comment
Before you visit any foreign country, it is a good idea to check out its history. And I don’t mean the Ancient Incas. More likely the Shining Path. Tourists are often the last to realize the political realities in Third World countries, but sometimes the first to find out when it all boils over. My…