I wanted to make a contribution to Indigenous People’s week, but given my background, it’s difficult to say anything on the topic without bringing down the ire of somebody-or-other. However, good old CBC solved my problem by presenting an interview with Buffy Ste-Marie that I really enjoyed. She has been a spokeswoman for First Nations…
Tag: racism
Social Commentary
The Dangers of Simplifying
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
This meme got a bunch of play with my Facebook friends last week, so I took a second look at it. It starts out as a simple, “yes, we can be wishy-washy about lots of things, but for something like racism, you have to take a stand,” and I’m sure a lot of people took…
Social Commentary
The Politician Who Cried “Wolf.”
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Apology; no offense to wolves is intended. I know the trope of wolves as nasty critters is a bad rap. It just works so well in this case. Do Not Do This Anyway, this is a warning to all soap-box standers, streetcorner- orators, social media pundits and politicians. An incident in Ottawa this week…
A Red Herring for the Green Party
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
A Two-Edged Sword When a political party chooses a candidate from a visible minority for a leader, they are taking a risk. They are guaranteed to pick up some votes from the more progressive voters and to lose some support in the more conservative end of the party. But perhaps a worse danger is…
Social Commentary
“Racism” is too Narrow a Term
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
I wrote this article early last week when this news was new. Then on Thursday in the Vancouver Sun, David Suzuki wrote an article stating similar views. So if you’ve heard this before, remember I said it first. The latest news is out. Canada is a country of racists. 17% have negative feelings against…
Social Commentary
Are the Royals Racist? That Depends
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
With the Meghan and Harry fiasco splashed all over the media, it’s fair game for a comment on a blog that asks, “Are People Stupid?” I see two elements at play, here. Game of Thrones Our first job is to put the contest in the proper frame. We are talking about the royal family of…
Social Commentary
Out of the Mouths of Fools
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
The above meme that has been doing the rounds of right-wing social media lately caught my eye, because despite its obvious racist and bigoted message, it reveals two interesting points. The first is the obvious one; overt political correctness, rather than helping to create an inclusive society, just makes people mad. And the people…