Getting a new Fitbit is an interesting experience with a steep learning curve. Here’s how it worked for me. I bought a Charge 4, which is in the $200 range. A rather expensive toy, but it was my birthday, and I was suffering from Covid Fatigue. Well, it did take care of my boredom for…
Tag: health
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COVID-19: When’s the Future?
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
You know, we’ve all been looking at that “flatten the graph” image, and everybody’s been concentrating on the left-hand side. The part that shows where we are and where we might go soon. I’ve been looking further down the road, and wondering…just how long will it take? If you look farther right, you will…
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25 Ways to Grow Your Brain
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Many of these ideas come from brain-based learning facilitator Gary Anaka and other presenters at the Surrey Forum on Brain Health at the Fleetwood Community Centre yesterday. Because of new imaging techniques, we have learned more about the brain in the last ten years than we did in the last ten thousand. We have learned…