As a proponent of Proportional Representation, I am always looking for ways to make our messed-up election systems reflect the real opinion of voters. To do this, I try to look at the most accurate data I can find. For example, in US, people actually register their preference before they vote. Thus, we have a…
Tag: education
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Is Artificial Intelligence Taking Over?
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Is artificial intelligence going to take over our jobs and leave us all unemployed? Relax, my children. Hi-tech Luddites, put away your social media scythes and hammers. We’ve been through all this before. When mechanical looms started putting out smoother cloth than handloom weavers, it created more jobs in the factories. When word processors…
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The Harm of Competitive Testing
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
This meme appeared on Facebook last week. Perhaps it isn’t a coincidence that at the same time in my local paper, The Delta Teacher’s Association posted an add saying “Cancel the Foundation Skills Assessment Tests.” The B. C. government still believes in testing children against norms of age and grade, and teachers have been protesting…
Social Commentary
There Are No Stupid Questions – Just Stupid Responses
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
I was feeling rather brain-dead one afternoon last week, (editing will do that to you) and I opened Facebook, hoping for some mindless entertainment. Actually, many of my Facebook friends are quite intelligent, and perhaps I was hoping someone would stimulate me out of my somnolesence. However, the first post that caught my lame…