Okay, COVID is picking up for the great Fall Plunge into the Winter Miasma of Disease, and health officials are talking about taking precautions again. To which many people are responding, “Oh, No! I’m so tired of all that!” COVID Doesn’t Care Right. You’re tired of all this. You’ve got COVID Fatigue. Everybody’s got COVID…
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This Is Your Final Warning
by renaissanceadmin • • 1 Comment
Okay, it’s “lonely voice crying in the wilderness” time. Here goes with the “End of the World as We Know It” essay. Enjoy it, because from now on I will be able to say “I told you so,” and that’s not half so much fun to hear. We have been living in La-La Land for…
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Paying the Price for COVID
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
I may have mentioned this before in other discussions, but COVID is not over, no matter how many times you say, “Well, I’ve just had it with COVID,” as if your wishful thinking makes any difference to a worldwide pandemic. If I may refer to a well-known philosopher (Tom Sawyer) “Your sayin’ so don’t make…
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It’s Not Rights, It’s Entitlement
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
A copycat Trump Brigade is driving their trucks to Ottawa to demand their “right” not to be vaccinated. And they do have the right not to be vaccinated. Just like Mr. Holmes had the right to swing his fist almost wherever he wanted. But having made that decision, they are not entitled spread the disease…
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Should We Tax the Anti-Vax?
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
When I heard on the news that the Quebec government was considering taxing the unvaccinated, my immediate reaction was, “Sounds like fun, but it’s going to be a tough sell.” Looking into it, these are the factors that occur to me. Precedence: depends on your POV Look at it like regular insurance. If you choose…
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Do Your Research
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Straight off the top, I want it clear that, in the case of a scientific problem like a pandemic, I am in favour of following the experts. However, we have to be careful about worshipping at the feet of science. This is a dangerous attitude that we have inherited from an earlier era, before science…
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The New COVID Response: Accommodation
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Preface: This is Not Research Just a note for those looking for information on COVID on the internet. If you read this article, you are not doing research. The information I give here is second hand at best and has been filtered through my research choices and my opinions. Instead, you should call this “presearch.”…
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Quarantined Christmas
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
COVID. The kind of thing that always happens to somebody else…until it doesn’t. Omicron has been catching everyone off guard, and the Long family has proven to be no exception. My son, Matthew was flying in for ChristmasA trip planned last month in sunnier days. He got here, stayed for two days, then got two…
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Psychological Herd Immunity
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
An interesting phenomenon occurs in many epidemics that the experts can’t really explain. Once the disease really takes hold, the curve begins to rise more swiftly than the government reacts to it. Everything seems to be too little, too late. And then, gradually, with nobody taking any specific action, the epidemic tapers off. Why? The…
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Canada Border Services Can Do No Wrong
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
News Flash Last Week: “Because of shortages, the government will now allow Lower Mainland people to go into Washington State to fill up their gas tanks without having a COVID test to come home.” Wow! Prompt government action in an emergency! News Flash Next Day: “Border services are giving out $2000 fines and requiring quarantine…