We Canadians see ourselves as easygoing, warmhearted, cooperative and accepting people. Those qualities are all very well when life is good, but do we have the inner strength and resilience to carry us through when the going gets tough? Unfortunately, I’m seeing a lot of evidence to the contrary. During COVID we discovered how many…
Tag: climate change
Social Commentary
We Are at War!
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
The human race is fantastic at dealing with trouble but we are abysmal at realizing when trouble is coming. Aggressive sorts have been abusing this trait for centuries, especially when starting wars. Usually, peaceful folk don’t even know that they’re at war until the soldiers start pouring into their yards. The beginning of WWII…
Social Commentary
Could COVID be the Tipping Point on Clilmate Change?
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
The COVID epidemic may have a silver lining, followed as it has been by a summer of climate extremes. If we grasp the opportunity, this could be the beginning of a sea change in the existence of the human race. Everyone knows by now that we have a climate emergency on our hands. What we…
Social Commentary
Scream on, You Bastards
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
This article is going to offend some people, because it’s will strike a nerve that is becoming more and more exposed as time ticks down towards the deadline for change. And the angrier you get, the more you need to hear this. Here’s the point: if a lot of people don’t get over their greed,…
Social Commentary
Unmasking Pseudo-Scientific Reporting
by renaissanceadmin • • 1 Comment
Background to this post A clever American reporter asked Greta Thunberg, “Why should we believe all this stuff that science is telling us?” There was a pause. The poor kid was gob-smacked. It was the first time I have ever seen her with no answer. Her response? “Well…it’s…it’s science!” As if that meant something. But…
Social Commentary
How Dare You!
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Just a warning to all my friends. And everyone else as well. I have decided to become radicalized. That’s right. Just like those kids who come from nice families who suddenly end up in ISIS or the Aryan Brotherhood or the Moonies. How Did This Happen? Well, it’s been coming on for quite a while.…
Social Commentary
Holier-than-Thou on the Kinder Mountain Protest Line
by renaissanceadmin • • 1 Comment
From the top, I’d like to say that I believe climate change is the greatest test facing mankind since the atomic bomb was invented. I believe we all have to tighten our belts and change our ways, and quickly, too. But there are economic realities that we have to take into account. The Kinder Morgan…
Politics, Social Commentary
The Green Party Is Doomed — As They Deserve
by renaissanceadmin • • 1 Comment
Image by Vicki Nunn from Pixabay The Green Party is not a political party. It is a one-issue power bloc that has hijacked the parliamentary process in order to publicize its agenda. But don’t worry, folks, they won’t last, because by their very nature they will wither and die. There are two ways to get rid of…
Social Commentary
Five Things the Human Race Doesn’t Need
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Last week I was talking about what we had to do to survive. Today I’m going on to several aspects of our culture that seem deeply imbedded, but by logic or humanitarianism should be exorcised. But we stay with the status quo. Why? As Kate Cooper in her TED talk on Compassion in Agriculture…
Social Commentary
5 Things Humanity Needs to Survive the Next 30 Years
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Between failing democracy, climate change, and the growing influence of multinational corporations, the next thirty years or so look to be a critical epoch in human history. They may even be the last epoch. So it would be nice to have a plan. If we were all pushing together in the same direction,…