Civil disobedience worked. You have the attention of the people of Canada and every level of government. NOW WHAT? I know you have felt powerless for a long time, and it feels good to flex your political muscles. But remember, your power to disrupt the rest of Canada exists only in your own minds and…
Tag: blockade
Social Commentary
He Who Tells You What You Want to Hear
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
The problem with depending on logic to assess situations in the real world (A technique this blog depends heavily on) is that logic is a construct. If your foundation is solid and you lay accurate data on it in carefully considered order, you can build a pretty clear picture of a situation you have…
Unist’ot’en:The Problem with First Nations Governance
by renaissanceadmin • • 3 Comments
I’m finding it hard to cut through all the rhetoric about the Unist’ot’en blockade, but a couple of things do stand out. Of course, the rhetoric and outrage have no logical basis. The RCMP arrests natives, and it’s a slam-dunk there will be nation-wide protests. It’s all about sound bites and news clips. And…