It is an unfortunate element of human nature that the victims of abuse learn that violence is a way to deal with others. The mythical vampire turns its victims into vampires. Sexual abuse victims become perpetrators. And now the victims of genocide are treating another people in the same way they were wronged. Historical Wrongs…
Month: January 2024
Social Commentary
CRB Loan Payback Will Close My Business!
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
An interesting juxtaposition on CBC last week: headline news story, “CRB Payback Will Close My Business.” The next commercial: “Half of New Businesses Close Within Ten Years.” Purveyors of Free Market Capitalism are happy to reap the benefits of our socialist nation. They transport their goods on national infrastructure, they pay their workers less because…
How We Found Our New Dog
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
In the old days, if you wanted a dog in a rural area, you just put the word out in the community; somebody always knew somebody who…you know how it goes. The first dog Linda and I got, we used the city technique of the time: we saw an ad in the newspaper. For our…
The Middle East: Good News/Bad News
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
The causes of the Palestinian problem have been discussed ad nauseum, but the facts remain: Israeli government policy over the years has created a great swelling of resentment in the Palestinians. More and more rebellious governments in Gaza and the West Bank have made the situation worse, and the final straw came three months ago…
Politics, Social Commentary
The Government We Deserve
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
We Canadians see ourselves as easygoing, warmhearted, cooperative and accepting people. Those qualities are all very well when life is good, but do we have the inner strength and resilience to carry us through when the going gets tough? Unfortunately, I’m seeing a lot of evidence to the contrary. During COVID we discovered how many…