We see it happen over and over in community organizations, especially performance groups. A charismatic personality achieves prominence, eventually rising to leadership. If he (it’s usually a male) is good at his job, (a choir director, star performer or publicity expert) this can be good for the group. In the short term. Unfortunately, people don’t…
Month: October 2023
Social Commentary
We Can’t Afford Your Lifestyle
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Despite the fact that the Middle East is blowing up, Canada maintains its own picayune share of international conflagrations. Asian power operating on Canadian soil seems to be the flavour of the week. The teacup tussle with India has been pretty well wiped out of the news for the moment, but the more serious problem…
Social Commentary
Democracy Under Siege
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Human society is not naturally democratic, and when any political system is placed under stress, it tends to revert to a previous, more autocratic form. For example, real communism never had a chance in Russia, which went straight from the feudal system of the tsars to the autocracy of the Communist Party. What we see…
Social Commentary
What Are the Odds on COVID Prevention
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Okay, COVID is picking up for the great Fall Plunge into the Winter Miasma of Disease, and health officials are talking about taking precautions again. To which many people are responding, “Oh, No! I’m so tired of all that!” COVID Doesn’t Care Right. You’re tired of all this. You’ve got COVID Fatigue. Everybody’s got COVID…
Ukrainian Nazis and Other Gifts
by renaissanceadmin • • 1 Comment
There is a time when the nation’s reputation is at stake, when Canada’s vaunted ability to punch above her weight on the international scene is at risk. At that time, no matter what the cause, if all Canadians put aside their petty differences we can present a confident front to the world, with the motivation…