Original image by Cezary p at pl.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=8305204
There Are Books that Should Be Banned
Before you go all Freedom of Expression on me, think about it. None of the freedoms that we cherish are universal or omnipotent. There are always instances where people simply can’t be allowed to say certain things in public. Most of these categories are pretty well agreed upon in developed countries. Libel comes to mind. Child pornography is a slam-dunk.
The main principle involved seems to be protecting those who can’t protect themselves from damage. We ban those dangerous activities. Keep this in mind as you read on.
Especially Advertising
Because we now recognize the power of advertising over free choice, we regulate it severely. There are already many advertising standards that keep advertisers from presenting a product in a manner appealing to young persons. Think about cannabis, tobacco and alcohol. Probably also sexual services. Not sure about that one. The ad above is the only one I could find freely available on the internet, and note that it is a photo of an ad on a building in Poland. Estimate the ages of those looking at it. Most of us are in agreement that tobacco advertising is dangerous.
This follows the main principle above; the young are especially vulnerable to these dangerous products and unable to make an informed decision as to their consumption. So most countries restrict the time and place of their advertising. Poland doesn’t seem to; 11% of Canadians smoke; 30% of Poles smoke.
However, using children as the only group to be protected is too narrow. There are other people who cannot make an informed decision of this sort. For example, addicts. Restricting the time of day that certain advertising can take place protects children (to some extent), but it does not protect vulnerable adults.
Who Benefits?
Nobody should be allowed to advertise anything that is addictive. Period. Alcohol, drugs, marijuana, tobacco, gambling. I’m sure you could add to the list. The present restrictions have been highly influenced by business leaders who benefit from the profits of these businesses. Who would lose if alcohol advertising was banned? Only those who produce alcohol. Gambling is the most problematic, because our governments are addicted to the revenue from this toxic habit. Clever salespeople have intertwined their product with sports, so that reduced advertising = reduced revenue = reduced money for sports. Which is a multi-billion-dollar industry mainly benefitting owners and stars. The minimal amount that trickles out the bottom for amateur sports is a drop in the bucket of profits.
The Bottom Line
The fact that we allow these destructive products to be used should be enough freedom for anyone. Advertising them is waving a red flag at a bull, and it causes a lot of the social problems we are suffering under. Promoting any addictive substance should be banned.
And While We’re at It…
I find it absolutely horrifying that anyone would create a cannabis product that looks and tastes like a gummy bear. I am more upset that it seems to be legal to do so. Cannabis is a newly regulated industry, and I hope the coming review of its effects and practices will turn up some of these travesties and result in proper regulation.