The hypocrisy of it all amazes me. The leading lights of a powerful country can’t really be that naïve.
How many times have we heard these protests?
“Unpatriotic, illegal, should be arrested.” “The siege of the capitol” “rioting in the streets” “disregarding government and public property.” Calls for action against people violating the curfew. Complaints about why the police allowed this to happen. “Intolerable attack on a fundamental institution of our democracy.” And the big one: “This isn’t us. This isn’t how we do things.”
This is nothing but the usual self-satisfied outrage of the ruling class when somebody in the lower classes dares to express disproval.
It’s a Protest.
I mean, what do you expect, you dummies? That’s what protesters do. I’m sure my United Empire Loyalist ancestors, supporters of King George III who came to Canada rather than rebel against him, said all the same things. I’m sure the news reports of the protests at Kent State sounded the same until the students got shot. It’s part of the American heritage. You’re a bunch of revolutionaries, and you just keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. As far as “This isn’t us?” The rest of the world would disagree. The people working in the Michigan state house this August when the thugs stormed in would disagree. The victims of all the mass murders lately in America wouldn’t be so happy with the analysis either.
CNN interviewed one politician who was barricaded in the House Chamber, with armed people trying to break in. He said it was a “surreal experience.” What these leaders need to realize is this happens about once a day to some group of people in America, and they don’t have armed policemen in the room protecting them. It’s more practical than karma. It’s more like the chickens coming home to roost.
The Best Lie Contains a Germ of Truth.
The lie that the election has been stolen from the dispossessed cuts through to a much more terrible truth. Forget Trump’s election; their country has been stolen from them. I know it’s difficult for some of you, but put yourself in the shoes of a poorly educated, white, racist, minimum wage worker in the Rust Belt or the Deep South. Everything he believes in is being taken from him. Well, sit’s the same for the coloured people, but that’s the trick; do you think it’s a coincidence that the two dispossessed groups hate each other so much?
These people haven’t cottoned onto the biggest lie of all. The party they are supporting is the group that has been keeping their chance of a decent life away from them. The business class of United States likes the people ignorant, poor, and poorly educated. However, as America’s population changes to be more educated, more polyglot, and more left wing, the empty Republican promises are becoming more and more threadbare, their support is dropping, and the GOP tactics become more desperate.
When the power vacuum gets this profound, someone is likely to fill it. Donald Trump is the logical extreme of the Republican Party’s tactics of the past fifty years: an exceptionally rich white man who pretends to stand up for all the social ideals the right wing believes in.
The Republican Party, in its desperation, allied with the only person who could win them the 2016 election. Now that the inevitable rift has come between them, it turns out Trump is the better liar. His manipulations since his election loss have been a stellar success. Now many of the elected members are too afraid to drop their support of him for fear of losing the votes of his cult members. Unless someone shows some serious leadership, this could be the dividing of the Republican Party.
Again and again I hear commentators talking about how these people are moved by conspiracy theories. But the Trumpist instinct is correct; they just haven’t figured out the real scam. The biggest conspiracy of all is the way the Republicans have manipulated millions of American voters.
Talk About a Skewed Society
Over and over you hear everyone saying, “We’re the greatest democracy on earth.” Give me a break. America is stumbling along with a lame, poorly conceived excuse for the democracy of two hundred years ago. A couple of examples:
Most of the complaints above came from media who are supposed to be reporting the facts, but instead indulged in an orgy of editorializing.
Clothing Manufacturers Association of the USA was quoted as demanding action of some sort or other. Who the hell do they think they are? What place does a business association have in politics? Well, in America, I suppose it does have a place.
And the big question is, where were the politicians who were supposed to be doing these tasks? You leave a power vacuum, and somebody will fill it. With a real democracy, the power rests with the people. I don’t see much evidence in the present situation that will be happening soon in the Quasi-United States.
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