The other day a Facebook friend shared one of those nasty “Stop Foreign Aid; Keep it all for Canadians,” posts. I’ve stopped being polite. My reaction was not pleasant. And now it’s started in rural Canada. Friends of mine have owned a second home in Seton Portage for the last 40 years or more. When…
Month: March 2020
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What Good Is the News?
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
The problem with giving out information to the public is that the wrong people are always listening, and the people that should be listening aren’t. No matter what you want the public to do, there will be a segment of the population who are already doing it, and they will respond by trying harder. So…
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Coronavirus – Please Don’t Panic; This is Just a Drill
by renaissanceadmin • • 2 Comments
Sorry to seem optimistic, folks, and spoil all your fun, but Coronavirus is not looking like the next version of the Black Plague. So please don’t panic and do all sorts of stupid things like selling off all your stocks. Because that’s what some people would like you to do. Why The Stock…
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Too Much Meat and How to Fix It
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Part 2 of a 2-Part Series Last Week’s Article discussed the choice between “real meat” and “plant-based meat.” However, the data was inconclusive and the choice wasn’t clear. So where do we go? Let’s start with the premise that neither one of these methods of protein production is a healthy or ecologically sound…
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Real Meat?
by renaissanceadmin • • 1 Comment
Part One of a Two-Part Series One has to sympathize with Albertans. First the environmental movement tries to shut down their main industry. Now a second major industry is in the sights of the fake meat industry. A recent CBC radio interview on The Current with Mark Bittman, a respected food writer, brought up…