No matter what the topic these days, whether it’s sexual abuse, gun violence in the United States, or any of the other ills of society, the comment we often hear is “We need a law against that.” Not so simple. You see, we live in a democracy. And in case you hadn’t thought about it…
Month: November 2017
Social Commentary
Banning Prostitution – Utter Nonsense
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
A perfectly serious article on the editorial page in Monday’s Vancouver Sun: “Prostitution expert doesn’t like what she sees in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.” Unlike some people, I don’t have to pretend to be an expert to agree with popular opinion on that one. Prostitution and the way it is practiced in our country is an…
Social Commentary
The Twisted Psychology of Gun Marketing
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
The CBC News on Monday night made a significant observation. There is jubilation in the halls of the NRA this week. Yep, another horrendous shooting. And why are gun advocates happy? Because not once, in any of the CBC interviews, did anyone mention gun control. Why Not? Well, in the first place, this was Texas.…
Social Commentary
Harassment and #metoo: The Cult of Individual Power
by renaissanceadmin • • 1 Comment
Every so often, some brave soul comes forward and finally exposes one of the bastions of our society as a predator (usually sexual). Through this person’s courage, a bunch of other victims gain the confidence to provide support because of similar experiences with the same perpetrator. And there is a great furor in the…