Babysitting a sick 4-year-old leads one’s mind in strange directions. In this case, the recovery involved several hours of “Pokemon” and “Pup Patrol” on Netflix. And the observation I came up with after this grueling research is that these young children are being trained from the earliest age to respond to, and learn from, a…
Month: September 2017
Social Commentary
A Hurricane of Gas Prices
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Let’s take a moment to talk about gasoline prices. Everyone knows why. Hurricane Harry slammed the Gulf Coast, the refineries had to reduce production, and that means, of course, the price of gas went up. Of course it does. And of course it went up immediately. I was in Prince George a while ago. Gas…
Darryl Plecas: Motive, Means, Opportunity
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
So, who is this Darryl Plecas guy, and why did he ditch the B. C. Liberal Party to become Speaker of the Legislature? A lot of people are asking this question, most of them Liberals. At this moment, his motivation is up to speculation, but a few points occur to me. He’s been in the…
Social Commentary
What Do the Sports We Worship Tell About Us?
by renaissanceadmin • • 4 Comments
I you were an alien anthropologist studying earth and you watched a professional sports team play, what could you guess about the society that worships in this way? American Football Perhaps you would notice a hierarchy where a super-rich owner (white) hires an experienced and well-paid manager (88% white) to supervise an intelligent,…