This week there were so many weird things happening that I have decided to give a quick overview of what’s going on in the world of human lack of intelligence. “Hardwired for Bullying Part III” next week. I’m sure you can wait seven more days to find out why bullying is like playing the piano.…
Month: August 2015
Election Watch
Election Watch #3: Liars or Incompetents?
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Canadian Election and the Trial Thereappended* *Lawyer talk for “stuck on after all the thinking was finished.” If we were Americans, this would be known as Duffygate. Another one of Stephen Harper’s top advisors, his Director of Issues Management no less, (known in the rest of the world as “spin doctor”) has admitted he didn’t…
Hardwired for Aggression Part II: Norms and How They Affect Bullying
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
What’s Really New? Our last post on this subject dealt with a Simon Fraser University study proving that aggression is hardwired into us, one of those “Duh! I knew that,” studies that makes us wonder why they wasted their time. What got all the publicity was the erroneous conclusion by the media that, bullying being…
Election Watch
Election Watch #2: Nigel Wright Comes Clean
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
So Nigel Wright’s time of testimony is over, and he managed to get through it without saying much. In spite of the fact that it didn’t seem like Temporary Senator Duffy was on trial, but rather Stephen Harper, Wright managed to stick to the party line. He thought Duffy was probably innocent, he didn’t tell…
Social Commentary
On-Camera Kiss. So What?
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Every once in a long while we have a media frenzy on political correctness that actually ends the way it should, leaving the pundits and special-interest groups that tried to hitch their wagons to it floundering for traction. Including this reporter. We were supposed to be publishing “Hardwired for Aggression Part 2: Norms and Bullying”…
Election Watch
Election Watch #1: Attack Ads.
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Since the Canadian election is 66 long days away, and since many of my readers don’t find the leadership of Canada to be affecting their daily life too much (and that includes the opinion of many of my Canadian readers as well, I fear) I plan to publish election coverage in mid-week posts, and I…
Social Commentary
Hardwired for Aggression Part I: Bullying, or Just Competitive?
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Last month it was the military getting the media focus on this topic. “We’re biologically wired in a certain way and there will be those who believe it is a reasonable thing to press themselves and their desires on others” – General Lawson, Canadian Armed Forces. Now it’s high school students. “Bullying…behaviour is biologically hard-wired,…