Okay, I’m sure everybody on both sides is tired of the blockade situation. Except for the deluded souls who think they have a winning solution and keep saying it over and over as if that makes it more right. Facebook Solutions are Fantasies What I’m really tired of is the plethora of easy answers. As…
Month: February 2020
Social Commentary
9 Points for Hereditary Chiefs to Ponder
by renaissanceadmin • • 2 Comments
Civil disobedience worked. You have the attention of the people of Canada and every level of government. NOW WHAT? I know you have felt powerless for a long time, and it feels good to flex your political muscles. But remember, your power to disrupt the rest of Canada exists only in your own minds and…
Social Commentary
How Schools Have Changed – and Not
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
I was back in the classroom for one day a week last month, giving workshops to students on storytelling and oral language. I did two other sessions before Christmas. For someone who retired 15 years ago, it was interesting to note the differences in today’s classrooms from “way back then.” And the lack of differences.…
Social Commentary
What Have You Done for Anyone Else Lately?
by renaissanceadmin • • 1 Comment
I’m sure you’ve seen them; they do the rounds on social media with dismaying regularity. Memes from simplists who can’t understand, “How can we be spending money on …(fill in any group you have no sympathy for)… when deserving …(fill in the latest knee-jerk hungry-puppy equivalent meme)… are going hungry?” And the next thing the…