It’s standard operating procedure for a particularly odious type of schoolyard bully to go out on the playground and pick a fight with some victim and then, the moment things go against him, to run and hide behind the teacher, screaming, “He started it.” What this bully has learned at a very young age is…
Month: September 2018
FPTP: Created by Winners to Choose Winners to Benefit Winners
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
It is very difficult to persuade people when they have been sold a bill of goods, but voters in Britain, Canada, and US have been scammed. For centuries.They have been told, “Our voting system, FPTP, is the only fair system.” Three lies in nine words. Not bad. First, our system, as it is set up,…
Social Commentary
In the Realm of the Rich and Famous
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Well, not quite. Linda and I are on a cruise from Athens to Venice on a 4-masted clipper ship that only holds 177 passengers. The weather has been beautiful, and we have managed to actually sail for about half of the distance. However, despite the inanity of using cruise ship WIFI, I take time from…
Fear and Loathing in Politics: Interior B. C.
by renaissanceadmin • • 2 Comments
I took a swing up into the Interior last week, and because I’m involved in the Pro-Rep debate, I couldn’t help but poll my friends about how they felt. As a Lower Mainlander for the last dozen years, I was surprised by what seemed to be a swing in political thinking. I asked several different…