The other day I listened to a phone-in talk show on CBC dealing with the question of campfire bans. Very topical, since the whole province can look out the window and see the results of careless fire usage, which caused about 50% of B. C.’s fires this year. The question was, “What can we do…
Month: August 2018
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The Artificial Epipen Emergency
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Big news that isn’t news these days is the shortage of epipens. People whose epipens are expiring can’t get new ones. The supplier just can’t get them. This is an echo of the big kerfuffle in the States recently at the price gouging. $400 a pen. Crossing the border to Canada to buy them, etc.…
The Pro-Rep Referendum: Who Can You Trust?
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
There are two different issues to be decided on this referendum. The first is whether the system should be changed. The second is what to change the system to. These are two very different types of questions, and the amount and the kind of trust you should apply to what you hear on each question…
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The Double-Edged Sword of Volunteer Coaches
by renaissanceadmin • • 2 Comments
One of the cornerstones of Canadian society is the volunteer, and many of these volunteers are involved in coaching sports teams. Most of the time this is a wonderful idea. People with expertise in an activity donate their time to pass on the skills and ethos of our society to our children. Whoopee ding.…