Democracy, like any living entity, is constantly changing and developing. What people hailed as democratic in Athens 2500 years ago is a pale shadow of the cooperative government systems we know in the developed world today. Likewise, the democracy that a bunch of recent colonial rebels pictured in 1776 is hardly a system that will…
Month: November 2016
Social Commentary
School Board Smudged into Court
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Okay, some Vancouver Island mother is going to the Supreme Court to protest that someone blew smoke in her kid’s face. Given that somebody blew smoke in the face of a whole nation last week, I guess people are a bit oversensitive these days, but, really. What’s it all about? The story, as I picked…
Knee Jerk Time is Over
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
All right you liberal intellectuals. You had time to voice your indignation, shock and fear. Now let’s get down to business. A plethora of knee-jerk reaction is exactly what has caused this disaster in the first place. And you have to remember. This is all your fault. Whose Fault? Well, all you liberal intellectuals, there…
Election Watch
Apple Pie or Abuse?
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
So the Americans have turned thumbs down to Mom and apple pie in favour of an abusive Pop. And it’s actually worse than that. There is a major and mostly unforeseen result of the election on Tuesday. And it will lead to the Republicans who supported Trump getting even less change than they wanted. You…
Election Watch
Male Values: The Last Stand
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Recent human history – the past 20,000 years or so – has been the process of moving away from a society where the biggest and strongest ruled, towards a civilization where the smartest and most cooperative hold sway. It is no accident that these are the sets of characteristics that distinguish the traditional male and…