A couple of incidents this weekend drew my attention to the fact that Canada does not have the right to lord it over our violent friends to the South as much as we might like to. The first was personal. Linda and Josh (the dog) and I spent the weekend at an idyllic retreat.…
Month: July 2016
Democratic Party Convention Speeches
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Hillary Clinton may or may not have made progress in the last three days. Here are some points to ponder. The Conventions Both conventions had a day of acrimony, where a vocal minority challenged the process and decisions of the convention, but with a great difference. With the Republicans, the rebels were mainstream party members.…
American Politics: Back to the Same Old.
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
It is interesting as a political commentator, but depressing as a human being, to watch the polarization of the American political spectrum,now that the fun and games of the primaries are over. For one brief instant in the political life of our neighbors to the south there was a time when unpopular and creative viewpoints…
Social Commentary
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Publishing early next week, in case the Republicans implode big-time before Sunday! The upsurge of violence in the United States seems very difficult to deal with. Is it general racism? Is it a flawed policing system? Is it the proliferation of guns? While these factors carry their share, I place responsibility for the violence directly at…
Social Commentary
Decision-Making in the Information Age
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Okay, so nowadays we have a whole lot of data at our fingertips. We have statistics online for just about anything we want. That doesn’t make it any easier for us to make the correct decisions. Because there are a whole bunch of people out there pushing their interpretation of the data at us,…
Social Commentary
Progress, Kindergarten Style
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
There ought to be a requirement for fledgling politicians that they spend a couple of months teaching kindergarten. No matter how much authority you have, you can’t just order a bunch of five-year-olds to learn and expect it to happen. You have to bribe, cajole, motivate and create routines. Then you can make progress. And…
Government by …Oops! The Brexit Scam
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Most frequently heard buzz phrase this year: “The government elite have lost touch with The People.” Okay, so we have to be more democratic. Let’s hold a referendum! Sure. In case anyone didn’t notice, a referendum is not democratic. A referendum is a sop to “The People” who want to put their…