Now that the topic of redrawing the map of North America has been raised, I wonder if the idea doesn’t have merit. Some Americans, in their egotistical little way, see it as an opportunity to expand. However, it seems to me like the whole of our combined territories might benefit from a reshuffle. The South…
Election Watch
His Own Worst Enemy
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Let’s show some sympathy for those unfortunate people who have charisma. All their lives, people have liked them. They don’t know why. All they know is that if they smile and say the right kind of things, people will agree with them and even follow them. That works just fine, and they have happy and…
Social Commentary
Giving Advice Is Not the Same as Helping
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
As we go through our lives, control over our environment is our constant challenge. The art of raising children mostly involves allowing them choices that they are able to handle. Over-protective parents don’t let their children make choices. Over indulgent parents never give their children the feeling that they deserve their successes. Both ends of…
What Next for the Liberals?
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
Chrystia Freeland’s abrupt departure from cabinet has answered the question that many have been asking. What’s Going On? The usual approach to a change of guard at the top was just demonstrated by the Democrats in the US. The leader-to-be takes on a higher and higher profile to give that person a chance to create…
Social Commentary
How First-Past-the-Post Spoiled Christmas
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
I know this sounds like hyperbole, but there is a direct line from our election system to the attitudes that created the meme above. What Does This Meme Say? As all the self-righteous left wingers love to point out, this diatribe, which purports to be so innocently inclusive, is full of bigoted and racist signals.…
Social Commentary
Social Media Ban in Australia
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
It was all over the news last week: new action on an old problem. “Australia Bans Social Media for Children Under 16.” Philosophically, it’s a slam dunk. The developing brain cannot be expected to handle influences like alcohol, pot, pornography, gambling, rock ‘n’ roll, (Sorry. Got carried away there). Unrestricted social media has surged to…
Social Commentary
The Problem with Taylor Swift
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
By iHeartRadioCA, CC BY 3.0, The problem with Taylor Swift has very little to do with Taylor Swift. I have great admiration for her. She is an exceptionally talented artist with a good heart and a publicity team that never makes an error. On a personal level, she deserves whatever fortune she makes. If…
Social Commentary
Fake Capitalism Stumbles Again
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
We live in a socialist society. Everybody knows that. Hell, even the Americans have a messy and tangled system of social aid. We are socialists, and the most damaging myth we function on is that we are a free market capitalist economy. This may be seen as a convenient excuse for those with the education,…
Social Commentary
What’s Wrong with the Left?
by renaissanceadmin • • 0 Comments
John F. Kennedy’s, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country,” seems a long time ago. I doubt if it would play well to today’s audience. We live in a world of increasing cynicism, and right-wing politicians are ahead of the wave, while the Left…
Meet Leo
by renaissanceadmin • • 1 Comment
We have a new member of the family, at least until May. Leo comes to us from our friends the Gilgans, whose vagabond lifestyle takes them again to Indonesia for the winter. This suits us very well, because we were having a tough time finding a good forever dog to lift our spirits through the…